a - E. Arruebarrena pinch hit for C. Kouri in the 5th
b - R. Larosa substituted for E. Laca in the 5th
c - Z. Reilly substituted for C. de la Vega in the 6th
d - M. Wraight substituted for M. Sagastisado in the 6th
e - J. Lawless pinch hit for D. Fraga in the 7th
f - C. Marko pinch hit for R. Matthews in the 7th
g - M. Kang substituted for B. Badeaux in the 7th
h - C. McPherson substituted for W. Aguilar in the 7th
i - C. Brankin pinch hit for C. McPherson in the 9th
W. Aguilar
(1, 4th Inning off B. Mauck, 0 on, 2 outs)
Home Runs:
R. Perez
(2, 4th Inning off B. Mauck, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
B. Badeaux
R. Perez
M. Sagastisado
W. Aguilar
R. Matthews
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
C. Kouri
W. Aguilar
D. Fraga
Z. Reilly
Hit by Pitch:
R. Perez
Team LOB:
R. Perez
R. Matthews
D. Fraga
Double Plays:
1 (Kouri-Fraga)
a - D. Gill pinch ran for J. Roberts in the 4th
b - T. Xú pinch hit for C. Seguito in the 4th
c - P. Canales substituted for B. Lynch in the 5th
d - S. Miller substituted for A. Herman in the 5th
e - J. Bribiesca pinch hit for Y. Mori in the 5th
f - J. Choe pinch hit for B. Heath in the 5th
g - M. Sanders pinch hit for J. Lima in the 5th
h - J. Castrejon pinch hit for A. Capelo in the 5th
i - R. McCray substituted for J. Castrejon in the 6th
j - A. Madera inserted as DH in the 6th
k - N. Imada pinch hit for J. Bribiesca in the 7th
J. Lima
(1, 2nd Inning off J. Oyola, 0 on, 1 out)
Home Runs:
M. Sanders
(2, 5th Inning off H. Brown, 2 on, 1 out)
P. Canales
(1, 8th Inning off C. Canada, 0 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
B. Heath
J. Choe
E. Kelly
A. Madera
J. Lima
M. Sanders
B. Lynch
P. Canales
J. Roberts
A. Capelo
J. Castrejon
R. McCray
2-out RBI:
T. Xú
P. Canales
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Bribiesca
B. Lynch
S. Miller
A. Capelo
A. Herman
Team LOB: