BNN Index | RSL RL | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
Colorado Springs Admirals (R)
Player Ratings Report - Scouted by: OSA
Batter Ratings
NameAgePosContactGapPowerEyeAvoid K'sSpeedStealingCON vsLPOW vsLEye vsLCON vsRPOW vsREye vsR
Yasuo Akiyama231B-----34------
Dan Crawford20CF-----76------
Rhys Etchells30CF-----710------
Bobby Fitzsimmons22LF-----66------
Akihiro Fujii24LF-----99------
Al Gross233B-----67------
Juan Maldonado261B-----57------
Rob Mills212B-----66------
Gregory Quick19C-----11------
Juan Rodríguez27RF-----47------
Archibald Shoe203B-----610------
George Stevenson20C-----12------
Brad Wilhelm243B-----52------
Juan Zapata26RF-----56------
Pitcher Ratings
NameAgeRoleStuffMovementControlSTU vsLMOV vsLCON vsLSTU vsRMOV vsRCON vsRVelocityStamina
Anthony Allen19MR---------92-94 Mph3
Armondo Ciappara25MR---------86-88 Mph2
Robert DiIasio24MR---------91-93 Mph5
Manuel Dorta22CL---------89-90 Mph4
Roberto Guzmán20SP---------94-96 Mph5
Kyuso Ine22MR---------91-93 Mph7
Won-sup Kim24MR---------92-94 Mph6
Vincente Osorio23SP---------91-93 Mph3
Brian Powell22MR---------93-95 Mph9
Manuel Tañón22SP---------89-90 Mph6
Mei-shan Thien24MR---------89-90 Mph8
Cisco Vargas22SP---------87-89 Mph4
Riccardo Varone19SP---------90-92 Mph10
Bill Wall25MR---------90-92 Mph6
Shintaro Watanabe23MR---------93-95 Mph3
Fielding Ratings
NamePosC AbilityC ArmINF RangeINF ArmINF ErrorTurn DPOF RangeOF ArmOF Error
Yasuo Akiyama1B114252343
Anthony AllenMR112422222
Armondo CiapparaMR114713223
Dan CrawfordCF1111111057
Robert DiIasioMR116562144
Manuel DortaCL111421432
Rhys EtchellsCF11364210810
Bobby FitzsimmonsLF114543766
Akihiro FujiiLF111111684
Al Gross3B115666567
Roberto GuzmánSP114513222
Kyuso IneMR112531134
Won-sup KimMR114422231
Juan Maldonado1B112213213
Rob Mills2B116565424
Vincente OsorioSP113432334
Brian PowellMR112422223
Gregory QuickC552345331
Juan RodríguezRF111111666
Archibald Shoe3B1110964421
George StevensonC771241224
Manuel TañónSP113523212
Mei-shan ThienMR113511232
Cisco VargasSP113433252
Riccardo VaroneSP112512225
Bill WallMR111522342
Shintaro WatanabeMR114212221
Brad Wilhelm3B115973422
Juan ZapataRF111111798
Fielding Positional Ratings
Yasuo Akiyama---------
Anthony Allen---------
Armondo Ciappara---------
Dan Crawford---------
Robert DiIasio---------
Manuel Dorta---------
Rhys Etchells---------
Bobby Fitzsimmons---------
Akihiro Fujii---------
Al Gross---------
Roberto Guzmán---------
Kyuso Ine---------
Won-sup Kim---------
Juan Maldonado---------
Rob Mills---------
Vincente Osorio---------
Brian Powell---------
Gregory Quick---------
Juan Rodríguez---------
Archibald Shoe---------
George Stevenson---------
Manuel Tañón---------
Mei-shan Thien---------
Cisco Vargas---------
Riccardo Varone---------
Bill Wall---------
Shintaro Watanabe---------
Brad Wilhelm---------
Juan Zapata---------

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