BNN Index | RSL RL | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
RSL Rookie League
Positional Strength Overview By Positions
TeamTop playerTeam rankingTop prospectOrganizational rankingOverall ranking
Erlanger SlidersScott Green1stJames Simmons2nd1st
Medicine Hat MicronautsJavier Santos2ndJavier SantosTied for 10th10th
Birmingham GunnersRon Marshall3rdNorbert CluffTied for 10th11th
Modesto DholesKevin Welch4thBill Gaston1st2nd
Rochester Valley CatsCecilio Zerman5thCecilio Zerman8th7th
Chandler ServalsChris Neal6thChris Neal3rd3rd
Hampton Manor CavemenJeffrey Williams7thArmando Prieto6th5th
Colorado Springs AdmiralsGeorge Stevenson8thGregory Quick4th4th
Guanajuato RanasLloyd Jones9thLloyd Jones7th8th
Whisper Walk EmeraldsJoe Pilgrim10thJoe Pilgrim5th6th
Halifax MetrosSean Jordan11thSean JordanTied for 10th12th
Orinda BearsRyunosuke Ito12thRyunosuke Ito10th13th
Lubbock LegionairesHarry Caldwell13thElmar Kalkbrenner9th9th
Lake Placid LakersKevin Girard14thKevin GirardTied for 10th14th
Saint Petersburg CatfishTied for 15thTied for 10th15th
Laredo ProwlersTied for 15thTied for 10thTied for 15th
Stottville PicketsTied for 15thTied for 10thTied for 15th
Rhinelander HarpoonsTied for 15thTied for 10thTied for 15th
Lodi HeatTied for 15thTied for 10thTied for 15th
Washington GraysTied for 15thTied for 10thTied for 15th
Potosi AnacondasTied for 15thTied for 10thTied for 15th
Vancouver CanadiansTied for 15thTied for 10thTied for 15th
Bakersfield RecoilTied for 15thTied for 10thTied for 15th
Reagan SmashersTied for 15thTied for 10thTied for 15th
First Basemen
TeamTop playerTeam rankingTop prospectOrganizational rankingOverall ranking
Medicine Hat MicronautsHoward Peck1stHoward Peck1st1st
Guanajuato RanasMarc Harlow2ndMarc HarlowTied for 6th6th
Erlanger SlidersDemetrio Tomei3rdDemetrio Tomei3rd3rd
Whisper Walk EmeraldsRichard Francis4thRichard Francis2nd2nd
Hampton Manor CavemenMark O'Mulledy5thCarlos Valentín4th4th
Chandler ServalsRicardo Trevino6thRicardo TrevinoTied for 6th7th
Birmingham GunnersMichael Meyers7thMichael Meyers5th5th
Colorado Springs AdmiralsJuan Maldonado8thYasuo AkiyamaTied for 6th8th
Lubbock LegionairesGilberto Cruz9thGilberto CruzTied for 6th9th
Laredo ProwlersAllen Bartlett10thAllen BartlettTied for 6th10th
Modesto DholesJesús González11thDan BellTied for 6th11th
Lodi HeatKyle Nunn12thKyle NunnTied for 6th12th
Orinda BearsTied for 13th6th13th
Saint Petersburg CatfishTied for 13thTied for 6thTied for 13th
Stottville PicketsTied for 13thTied for 6thTied for 13th
Rhinelander HarpoonsTied for 13thTied for 6thTied for 13th
Washington GraysTied for 13thTied for 6thTied for 13th
Lake Placid LakersTied for 13thTied for 6thTied for 13th
Halifax MetrosTied for 13thTied for 6thTied for 13th
Rochester Valley CatsTied for 13thTied for 6thTied for 13th
Potosi AnacondasTied for 13thTied for 6thTied for 13th
Vancouver CanadiansTied for 13thTied for 6thTied for 13th
Bakersfield RecoilTied for 13thTied for 6thTied for 13th
Reagan SmashersTied for 13thTied for 6thTied for 13th
Second Basemen
TeamTop playerTeam rankingTop prospectOrganizational rankingOverall ranking
Bakersfield RecoilMasakado Watanabe1stTied for 7th6th
Guanajuato RanasRalph Wyatt2ndJosé Denanda1st1st
Chandler ServalsDavid Anstey3rdAaron Dubuc2nd2nd
Birmingham GunnersCristoforo Attene4thTied for 7th8th
Medicine Hat MicronautsJosé Sánchez5thJosé Sánchez3rd3rd
Stottville PicketsReid Mayes6thReid MayesTied for 7th9th
Hampton Manor CavemenJuan Gil7thJuan Gil5th4th
Colorado Springs AdmiralsRob Mills8thRob MillsTied for 7th10th
Whisper Walk EmeraldsDwain Dobie9thKieran Littlejohn6th7th
Erlanger SlidersGonzalo Pérez10thGonzalo PérezTied for 7th11th
Saint Petersburg CatfishAaron Brewer11thAaron Brewer7th12th
Lubbock LegionairesIsrael Gonzáles12thIsrael GonzálesTied for 7th13th
Orinda BearsTso-i Men13thTso-i Men4th5th
Halifax MetrosJosh Wright14thJosh WrightTied for 7th14th
Lake Placid LakersJosé Martínez15thJosé MartínezTied for 7th15th
Laredo ProwlersTied for 16thTied for 7th16th
Rhinelander HarpoonsTied for 16thTied for 7thTied for 16th
Lodi HeatTied for 16thTied for 7thTied for 16th
Washington GraysTied for 16thTied for 7thTied for 16th
Modesto DholesTied for 16thTied for 7thTied for 16th
Rochester Valley CatsTied for 16thTied for 7thTied for 16th
Potosi AnacondasTied for 16thTied for 7thTied for 16th
Vancouver CanadiansTied for 16thTied for 7thTied for 16th
Reagan SmashersTied for 16thTied for 7thTied for 16th
Third Basemen
TeamTop playerTeam rankingTop prospectOrganizational rankingOverall ranking
Reagan SmashersDave von Muller1stDave von MullerTied for 5th5th
Medicine Hat MicronautsRaúl Galindo2ndRaúl GalindoTied for 5th6th
Stottville PicketsShihi Miura3rdShihi Miura1st1st
Guanajuato RanasJuan Defrese4thAn-Toan Tuan4th2nd
Colorado Springs AdmiralsAl Gross5thArchibald Shoe2nd3rd
Modesto DholesGil Cadaloba6thGil CadalobaTied for 5th7th
Erlanger SlidersJocelyn Cosini7thMaxim Jochems3rd4th
Whisper Walk EmeraldsHoward O'Quinn8thHoward O'QuinnTied for 5th8th
Lubbock LegionairesDean Hale9thDean HaleTied for 5th9th
Halifax MetrosGerald Griffin10thTied for 5th10th
Birmingham GunnersYong-jun Chong11thTied for 5th11th
Orinda BearsTied for 12th5th12th
Saint Petersburg CatfishTied for 12thTied for 5thTied for 12th
Laredo ProwlersTied for 12thTied for 5thTied for 12th
Rhinelander HarpoonsTied for 12thTied for 5thTied for 12th
Lodi HeatTied for 12thTied for 5thTied for 12th
Washington GraysTied for 12thTied for 5thTied for 12th
Lake Placid LakersTied for 12thTied for 5thTied for 12th
Hampton Manor CavemenTied for 12thTied for 5thTied for 12th
Chandler ServalsTied for 12thTied for 5thTied for 12th
Rochester Valley CatsTied for 12thTied for 5thTied for 12th
Potosi AnacondasTied for 12thTied for 5thTied for 12th
Vancouver CanadiansTied for 12thTied for 5thTied for 12th
Bakersfield RecoilTied for 12thTied for 5thTied for 12th
TeamTop playerTeam rankingTop prospectOrganizational rankingOverall ranking
Chandler ServalsHarry Griffin1stHarry Griffin1st1st
Guanajuato RanasHarry Lind2ndHarry LindTied for 4th4th
Birmingham GunnersFernando Vargas3rdTied for 4th5th
Whisper Walk EmeraldsA.J. MacBeth4thVicente Reyes3rd3rd
Orinda BearsSantiago Gutiérrez5thSantiago Gutiérrez4th6th
Lubbock LegionairesKunihiko Taniguchi6thKunihiko TaniguchiTied for 4th7th
Erlanger SlidersGustavo López7thGustavo López2nd2nd
Bakersfield RecoilKichibei Uenohara8thTied for 4th8th
Saint Petersburg CatfishTied for 9thTied for 4th9th
Medicine Hat MicronautsTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Laredo ProwlersTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Stottville PicketsTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Rhinelander HarpoonsTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Lodi HeatTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Washington GraysTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Lake Placid LakersTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Modesto DholesTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Hampton Manor CavemenTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Halifax MetrosTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Rochester Valley CatsTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Potosi AnacondasTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Vancouver CanadiansTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Colorado Springs AdmiralsTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Reagan SmashersTied for 9thTied for 4thTied for 9th
Left Fielders
TeamTop playerTeam rankingTop prospectOrganizational rankingOverall ranking
Whisper Walk EmeraldsRoberto Maes1stRoberto Maes1st1st
Medicine Hat MicronautsJason Lemessurier2ndJason LemessurierTied for 6th6th
Colorado Springs AdmiralsBobby Fitzsimmons3rdBobby Fitzsimmons4th3rd
Guanajuato RanasSteve Bush4thSteve Bush2nd2nd
Chandler ServalsNariaki Yoshikawa5thNariaki Yoshikawa5th4th
Washington GraysLeonard Moore6thLeonard MooreTied for 6th7th
Laredo ProwlersMiguel Ruíz7thMiguel RuízTied for 6th8th
Erlanger SlidersTrevor Duggan8thTrevor Duggan3rd5th
Birmingham GunnersEric Jones9thEric JonesTied for 6th9th
Lubbock LegionairesIzo Tanaka10thTied for 6th10th
Modesto DholesBob Kinney11thBob KinneyTied for 6th11th
Orinda BearsTied for 12th6th12th
Saint Petersburg CatfishTied for 12thTied for 6thTied for 12th
Stottville PicketsTied for 12thTied for 6thTied for 12th
Rhinelander HarpoonsTied for 12thTied for 6thTied for 12th
Lodi HeatTied for 12thTied for 6thTied for 12th
Lake Placid LakersTied for 12thTied for 6thTied for 12th
Hampton Manor CavemenTied for 12thTied for 6thTied for 12th
Halifax MetrosTied for 12thTied for 6thTied for 12th
Rochester Valley CatsTied for 12thTied for 6thTied for 12th
Potosi AnacondasTied for 12thTied for 6thTied for 12th
Vancouver CanadiansTied for 12thTied for 6thTied for 12th
Bakersfield RecoilTied for 12thTied for 6thTied for 12th
Reagan SmashersTied for 12thTied for 6thTied for 12th
Center Fielders
TeamTop playerTeam rankingTop prospectOrganizational rankingOverall ranking
Lodi HeatDavid-Alexandre Gagnier1stDavid-Alexandre GagnierTied for 3rd3rd
Birmingham GunnersBret Reilly2ndDan Rogers2nd1st
Chandler ServalsAlfredo Vásquez3rdAlfredo Vásquez1st2nd
Modesto DholesGrantham Graves4thGrantham GravesTied for 3rd4th
Colorado Springs AdmiralsRhys Etchells5thDan CrawfordTied for 3rd5th
Whisper Walk EmeraldsHarrison Stannard6thHarrison StannardTied for 3rd6th
Erlanger SlidersJerry Armstrong7thJerry ArmstrongTied for 3rd7th
Medicine Hat MicronautsFranklin Hopstaken8thGuillermo GalindoTied for 3rd8th
Guanajuato RanasEligio Ferraro9thOctávio CortézTied for 3rd9th
Lubbock LegionairesJosé Gómez10thJosé GómezTied for 3rd10th
Orinda BearsTied for 11th3rd11th
Saint Petersburg CatfishTied for 11thTied for 3rdTied for 11th
Laredo ProwlersTied for 11thTied for 3rdTied for 11th
Stottville PicketsTied for 11thTied for 3rdTied for 11th
Rhinelander HarpoonsTied for 11thTied for 3rdTied for 11th
Washington GraysTied for 11thTied for 3rdTied for 11th
Lake Placid LakersTied for 11thTied for 3rdTied for 11th
Hampton Manor CavemenTied for 11thTied for 3rdTied for 11th
Halifax MetrosTied for 11thTied for 3rdTied for 11th
Rochester Valley CatsTied for 11thTied for 3rdTied for 11th
Potosi AnacondasTied for 11thTied for 3rdTied for 11th
Vancouver CanadiansTied for 11thLeonard WeberTied for 3rdTied for 11th
Bakersfield RecoilTied for 11thTied for 3rdTied for 11th
Reagan SmashersTied for 11thTied for 3rdTied for 11th
Right Fielders
TeamTop playerTeam rankingTop prospectOrganizational rankingOverall ranking
Whisper Walk EmeraldsMauk Verwijs1stOtis Nelson2nd2nd
Medicine Hat MicronautsMike Ross2ndMontrell Buzzacarina1st1st
Rochester Valley CatsMango Anderson3rdMango AndersonTied for 4th4th
Birmingham GunnersOliverio Ramos4thOliverio RamosTied for 4th5th
Erlanger SlidersTakehide Sugano5thTakehide Sugano3rd3rd
Colorado Springs AdmiralsJuan Zapata6thTied for 4th6th
Guanajuato RanasDaniel Forget7thDaniel ForgetTied for 4th7th
Potosi AnacondasManuel Silva8thManuel SilvaTied for 4th8th
Lodi HeatKen Green9thKen GreenTied for 4th9th
Hampton Manor CavemenRusty Smith10thRusty SmithTied for 4th10th
Orinda BearsKevin Reynoud11thKevin Reynoud4th11th
Saint Petersburg CatfishTied for 12thTied for 4th12th
Laredo ProwlersTied for 12thTied for 4thTied for 12th
Stottville PicketsTied for 12thTied for 4thTied for 12th
Lubbock LegionairesTied for 12thTied for 4thTied for 12th
Rhinelander HarpoonsTied for 12thTied for 4thTied for 12th
Washington GraysTied for 12thTied for 4thTied for 12th
Lake Placid LakersTied for 12thTied for 4thTied for 12th
Modesto DholesTied for 12thTied for 4thTied for 12th
Chandler ServalsTied for 12thTied for 4thTied for 12th
Halifax MetrosTied for 12thTied for 4thTied for 12th
Vancouver CanadiansTied for 12thTied for 4thTied for 12th
Bakersfield RecoilTied for 12thTied for 4thTied for 12th
Reagan SmashersTied for 12thTied for 4thTied for 12th
Starting Pitchers
TeamTop playerTeam rankingTop prospectOrganizational rankingOverall ranking
Erlanger SlidersScott Baxter1stDavid DeVere1st1st
Birmingham GunnersMike Parsons2ndThatcher Brock9th6th
Chandler ServalsJaime Pérez3rdPedro Salazar4th3rd
Orinda BearsCarlos Vélez4thCarlos Vélez7th5th
Colorado Springs AdmiralsRiccardo Varone5thRiccardo Varone2nd2nd
Medicine Hat MicronautsTodd O'Herlihy6thHoward Fuller6th7th
Whisper Walk EmeraldsBob Penruddock7thBob Penruddock3rd4th
Guanajuato RanasJuan Santos8thPedro Salazar8th9th
Stottville PicketsEdison Maynard9thEdison Maynard5th8th
Rochester Valley CatsRicardo Ortíz10thRicardo OrtízTied for 10th10th
Saint Petersburg CatfishTied for 11th10th11th
Laredo ProwlersTied for 11thTied for 10thTied for 11th
Lubbock LegionairesRicardo MendozaTied for 11thGary WynnTied for 10thTied for 11th
Rhinelander HarpoonsTied for 11thTied for 10thTied for 11th
Lodi HeatTied for 11thTied for 10thTied for 11th
Washington GraysTied for 11thTied for 10thTied for 11th
Lake Placid LakersTied for 11thTied for 10thTied for 11th
Modesto DholesEllis FieldsTied for 11thEustachio PagliucaTied for 10thTied for 11th
Hampton Manor CavemenTied for 11thTied for 10thTied for 11th
Halifax MetrosTied for 11thTied for 10thTied for 11th
Potosi AnacondasTied for 11thTied for 10thTied for 11th
Vancouver CanadiansTied for 11thTied for 10thTied for 11th
Bakersfield RecoilTied for 11thTied for 10thTied for 11th
Reagan SmashersTied for 11thTied for 10thTied for 11th
TeamTop playerTeam rankingTop prospectOrganizational rankingOverall ranking
Erlanger SlidersAlbert Smith1stLes Hayden1st1st
Birmingham GunnersHarvey Patrick2ndThatcher Brock5th4th
Medicine Hat MicronautsMike Warren3rdAl Wilcox2nd2nd
Chandler ServalsMartin Coyle4thFernando Lugo3rd3rd
Whisper Walk EmeraldsLogan Tice5thLogan Tice4th5th
Colorado Springs AdmiralsWon-sup Kim6thWon-sup Kim6th6th
Orinda BearsChris LeeTied for 7thChris Lee7th7th
Guanajuato RanasYoshiaga KogaTied for 7thYoshiaga KogaTied for 7thTied for 7th
Saint Petersburg CatfishTied for 7thTied for 7thTied for 7th
Laredo ProwlersTied for 7thTied for 7thTied for 7th
Stottville PicketsGordon StablerTied for 7thGordon StablerTied for 7thTied for 7th
Lubbock LegionairesTied for 7thTied for 7thTied for 7th
Rhinelander HarpoonsTied for 7thTied for 7thTied for 7th
Lodi HeatKelvin PalliaguaTied for 7thKelvin PalliaguaTied for 7thTied for 7th
Washington GraysTied for 7thTied for 7thTied for 7th
Lake Placid LakersTied for 7thTied for 7thTied for 7th
Modesto DholesMario VegaTied for 7thMario VegaTied for 7thTied for 7th
Hampton Manor CavemenTied for 7thTied for 7thTied for 7th
Halifax MetrosTied for 7thTied for 7thTied for 7th
Rochester Valley CatsMike BallTied for 7thMike BallTied for 7thTied for 7th
Potosi AnacondasTied for 7thTied for 7thTied for 7th
Vancouver CanadiansTied for 7thTied for 7thTied for 7th
Bakersfield RecoilTied for 7thTied for 7thTied for 7th
Reagan SmashersTied for 7thTied for 7thTied for 7th
TeamTop playerTeam rankingTop prospectOrganizational rankingOverall ranking
Erlanger SlidersScott Baxter1stJohn Lavoie3rd2nd
Lodi HeatKelvin Palliagua2ndKelvin Palliagua1st1st
Chandler ServalsJuan Collazo3rdJuan Collazo12th11th
Modesto DholesJayson Sharp4thJayson Sharp4th4th
Birmingham GunnersManny Núñez5thThatcher Brock8th7th
Colorado Springs AdmiralsManuel Dorta6thManuel Dorta5th5th
Medicine Hat MicronautsCal Bane7thCal Bane2nd3rd
Whisper Walk EmeraldsCésar Hernández8thCésar Hernández7th6th
Rochester Valley CatsMike Ball9thMike Ball6th8th
Stottville PicketsGordon Stabler10thGordon Stabler9th9th
Orinda BearsLorenzo Hernández11thLorenzo Hernández10th10th
Guanajuato RanasYoshiaga Koga12thYoshiaga Koga11th12th
Saint Petersburg CatfishTied for 13th13th13th
Laredo ProwlersTied for 13thTied for 13thTied for 13th
Lubbock LegionairesTied for 13thTied for 13thTied for 13th
Rhinelander HarpoonsTied for 13thTied for 13thTied for 13th
Washington GraysTied for 13thTied for 13thTied for 13th
Lake Placid LakersTied for 13thTied for 13thTied for 13th
Hampton Manor CavemenTied for 13thTied for 13thTied for 13th
Halifax MetrosTied for 13thTied for 13thTied for 13th
Potosi AnacondasTied for 13thTied for 13thTied for 13th
Vancouver CanadiansTied for 13thTied for 13thTied for 13th
Bakersfield RecoilTied for 13thTied for 13thTied for 13th
Reagan SmashersTied for 13thTied for 13thTied for 13th

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